This Website is in memory of Jason Christopher Dunn
who left this world March 13, 1997

~~~~ 1975~Lad & Jason~~~~~Brothers~~~~~Jason & Lad~1996~~~~
Jason Christopher Dunn and Lad (Leroy) Dunn
Jason's Story
Jason came into this world on June 5, 1974
he was in a hurry even then…
he didn't wait for the doctor to get there …
he always had to be first…..
The day we went home from the hospital
his brother Lad (age 6) asked if he
could come out and play with him….
we told him no…that Jason couldn't walk yet….
so Lad said "if he had crutches he could walk"…
Jason and Lad played for many years.
He grew up happy……
fell in love with Tammie….
then along came Chelsea. Jason was so proud…
he was a great Dad…Then a couple years later along came
Gregory Jason
.....he looks like Jason….
The night Jason left this world
we were blessed with him here at home….
Tammie and the kids were out
of state visiting her mother….
we had dinner….watched some TV and Jason
played a couple computer games….
when it was getting late….we asked him to spend the night…
but he said …he had to go home
and leave the dogs out….
He left home about 10:20…
we kissed him goodbye
and told him to be careful…
and then we said…Love you babe…
and he said…love you too…
I remember that hug
I only came up to Jason's chest…
but hugged him extra long…
I am glad I did….
that hug has to last me the rest of my life…
Jason loved guns…. he was fascinated by guns……
he had borrowed mine a couple weeks before
when Tammie and the kids left….
he said he wanted it for protection…
I never knew he would play with it….
He thought he had all the bullets out….
he thought it was empty….
it wasn't.
His best friend Darrin stopped over
on his way home from work..
just before midnight….
he never answered the door…
then 2 days later his brother
kicked in the door…he knew something
was wrong…that was the worst day of our lives….
and our lives have changed forever.
There is a piece of our heart missing….
that smiling face…his
laughter…his practical jokes…his comedy…
No one that knew Jason will ever forget him….
they couldn't…he was only 22 years old
at time of passing…but he left behind
many happy memories that we will treasure
for the rest of our lives….
until we see that smiling face again.
"Brotherly Love"
As children we had our ups and downs.
But the smiles always beat the frowns
We shared our joys, we shared our tears.
We shared each other for many years.
You're my brother, you're a treasure.
And my love for you, I cannot measure...
Thank you Terri
Please visit Terri's Treasures....
When Terri sent this to me
it brought tears to my eyes.
I know that this is where Jason is.
Jason Christopher Dunn.
June 5, 1974 - March 13, 1997

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