~Award # 1~...................~Award # 2~............~Award # 3~
~Award # 4~...................~Award # 5~............~Award # 6~
~Award # 7~...................~Award # 8~............~Award # 9~
~Award # 10~..................~Award # 11~...........~Award # 12~
~Award # 13~..................~Award # 14~...........~Award # 15~
....~Award # 16~...........~Award # 17~
....~Award # 18~...........~Award # 19~
Because we all have many different like and dislike ...
I am adding a wide variety of awards you can apply for...
I have reduced the size of the award on this page to aid in faster loading.
All have been found on the internet...
If one belongs to you...I will greatfully give credit or will remove.
Thank You
Visit The Childrens Memorial and Angelic Sites
by clicking on these beautiful pictures.
<©2000 LaKathleen Graphics